Lyrics let it be the beatles
Lyrics let it be the beatles

lyrics let it be the beatles

He could not believe it and took up the failure personally by drinking, clubbing, and doing drugs. The only person who still had hope for The Beatles was McCartney, and it took a toll on him to see them growing apart.

lyrics let it be the beatles

The vision of the band disappeared, and George Harrison had been recorded saying he had lost interest. John Lennon had started dating Yoko Ono, and the two spent nearly every waking minute together, which meant there was little time to focus on the music. They had been recording “White Album’ for three months, and arguments had become the order of the day as they tried making a follow-up album. The tension was high, and as much as McCartney tried to keep the band together, they were drifting apart both personally and professionally. According to MattandJoJang’s blog, the dream cane in the autumn of 1968 when The Beatles were on the verge of splitting. Mary McCartney appeared to her son at a time he needed it most. All she said to him was “Let it be” in a still, gentle, and reassuring voice. However, 12 years after they buried her at Yew Tree Cemetery in Finch Lane, Liverpool, Mary appeared to her son in a dream, and her face was so clear, particularly the eyes. Unfortunately, with McCartney being so young, time washed away the memory of his mother, and he had to keep looking at her pictures to remind himself of her face. He felt guilty about it, wondering why he had to put her down like that, but with time he got over it. She had insisted on learning to speak the Queen’s English but could not speak it herself, so McCartney had made fun of her.

lyrics let it be the beatles

Immediately after her death, McCartney beat himself up on how impatient he had been with her. She contributed half of the family income, so little McCartney was concerned about their survival. Mary McCartney was the pillar of the family, and her son, Paul, praised her as the unsung hero of the family. According to The Beatles Bible, the first thing that the singer asked after his mother passed away was what they would do without her money. She had been suffering for a while and underwent surgery to stop the disease from spreading but died shortly of an embolism. McCartney was only 14 when his mother died from breast cancer. For the lovers of The Beatles’ music, the sad story behind “Let It Be” lyrics will have you feeling the stress that Paul McCartney felt when he came up with the song, so here’s your chance to learn more about it. Yet, the one who came up with the words was probably going through hell when writing the words, but we never search behind the scenes to understand the lyrics. However, even when we comprehend the lyrics, we only do so per our own interpretation. It’s said that when you are happy, you will enjoy the music, but when you are sad, you understand the lyrics.

Lyrics let it be the beatles